Thursday, March 15

Creative Excellence = Creative Collaboration

As we get ready for an action packed spring, filled with some big shows across the country, we find ourselves working to bring creative excellence to each and every one of our clients.

It may sound simple, but we believe that creativity doesn’t happen in a vacuum – creative excellence happens through late nights and early mornings at the office,  site trips, drawings, designs and most importantly collaboration. At Bow & Arrow we’re fortunate to work with an incredible team and work with some incredible clients. Collaboration leads to those inspiring conversations, ideas, concepts and projects that help create incredible productions.

And as we gear up for this exciting spring, we can guarantee we'll be working hard to bring creative excellence to every project we work on!

Stay tuned and look for updates on these projects this spring! 

Site Visit For Upcoming Show

Wednesday, March 7

Spread the Word to End the Word

We rarely get “political” but on this topic – we’re more than happy to jump in.
It’s been a proud week for Iowans when both the Iowa House and Senate passed legislation striking the term “mental retardation” from Iowa Code.

As proud producers of the 2006 and 2010 USA National Special Olympic Games Opening and Closing Ceremonies, we have truly been privileged to work with thousands of Special Olympic Athletes, their families, and coaches. Each athlete always seems to bring a sense of enthusiasm and zeal unmatched by anyone – and always are a true inspiration.

 Knowing no limitations – these participants give it their all every step of the way, truly defining dedication and courage. For each of us on the production team, there always seem to be moments that stand out most. Whether it was the moment when the Special Olympics Flag was raised, the instant the cauldron was lit, or perhaps the moment that thousands of athletes, spectators and fans stood cheering a fellow participant, we all leave the event a little changed and with a gentle reminder that anything is possible if you put your mind and heart to it.

For all of us at Bow & Arrow, there is no doubt that the National Special Olympic Games will always hold a special place in our hearts. This week, we couldn’t be more proud of the state we call home in their effort to take a step forward to show each and everyone of these incredible individuals the respect they deserve.

For more information on how you can get involved visit the Special Olympics site or to learn more about the “Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign” visit their site here.

2010 National Games